Year: 2008

  • Steve…..Get a life.

    Gotta love Steve Ballmer, he’s so clueless, he doesn’t even realize it. This is the same guy who for the longest time slammed Linux and Web technologies, promoted his companies sub par OS as the latest greatest and told us that Web-based apps and the whole web2.0 thing was just a fad. I got 5…

  • Twitter….the cool way….

    To be honest, I’ve had a twitter account for a while, but since I need a browser (or phone) to get access to it and twit, I hadn’t used it. But that’s about to change (maybe), since I found out how you can twit from command line. Yep, twit away from any UNIX, Linux, OSX…

  • Black or White?

    Here are two new shots I’ve been working on. I personally like the light-field version (white background). Although the black does have a certain sexyness to it…..what do you think?

  • Storage in a flash…..

    Well if you frequently need storage in a flash or don’t want to spend the money on multiple HD enclosures, the HD Rack Super Combo might be the solution. HD Rack Super Combo provides you with just about every external connection you can think of (USB 2.0 mini, Firewire 400, Firewire 800 and E-Sata). On…

  • That’s good piloting…

    Check this out…’s absolutely amazing that the pilot actually managed to pull it off.

  • Couple of new shots….

    Been working on dark-field lighting on different glass textures. Pretty neat effect, and as usuall I’ve included howto pics on flickr page so you can study the setup.

  • Just a quick shot :-)

    Okay so I had two shots….can you tell?

  • How to setup easyDNS to work with Google Apps

    Well I finally took the plunge and signed up for google apps for my domain, I use easyDNS (DNS-Only service & Registry Fees) for DNS and having gone through the setup I thought I would put a summary together for anyone else interested. Remember that this is specifically written for easyDNS (but should apply…

  • JotSpot gets re-launched into Orbit…..

    Sixteen months after it’s purchase by Google, JotSpot has been launched into orbit as Google Sites. Our favorite G-Folks have completed their overhaul of JotSpots hosted wiki product. Users now have a choice between five basic templates – a standard wiki, a dashboard where google gadgets can be embedded, a blog-like template for announcements, a…

  • Backup server that plays nice with everyone….

    Just came across this article over at Lifehacker that outlines how you can build your very own cross platform backup server for FREE…….more information on Restore’s own website. These are some of the key features that set RESTORE apart from the competition: Browser Based- Access your RESTORE system remotely from anywhere using the internet. This…