Category: OSX

  • MacFUSE….ready for primetime?

    I think so, you see I’ve been waiting for about a year — since last years Mac World announcement — to try MacFUSE, but to be honest I’ve been a bit of a chicken. In my book you rarely, if ever, play around with the filesystem. Specially with ported beta code and all the “uncertainties”…

  • Mac OSX DHCP debuging

    Once in a while you might want to dig deep into OSX’s dhcp client and find out what dhcp packet the server sent it. A quick command to spit out this info:# ipconfig getpacket en0This produces the following output: op = BOOTREPLY htype = 1 dp_flags = 0 hlen = 6 hops = 0 xid…

  • USB-to-Serial console for Mac (OSX)

    Here are some notes for those of us working with Macs, who also have to deal with networking gear that usually have a serial console for local control. I recently purchased a IOGEAR USB 1.1 to Serial Converter Cable that uses the PL2303 chipset (pretty much any brand of these usb to serial converters use this…

  • OSX Escher Screen Saver

    This is one of those gotta haves. Beautifully done and Free. Grab it here.

  • Get the full path displayed in finder

    Here is a quick way to enable full path display in the finder windows under Leopard. You can turn this on by issuing the following two commands in a terminal window:defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YESkillall FinderYou can also undo this effect by issuing the following two commands in a terminal window:defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle…

  • More aka.iPhone and Quartz Composer Experiments…..

    So now that I have a basic OSC receiver for aka.iPhone’s XY controller, I’ve been going through Apple’s Demo Compositions — under /Developer/Examples/Quartz Composer/Compositions — and adding my portion of the OSC receiver to them. Here is the latest one, akaRemote-Caterpillar, which is a adaptation of “Caterpillar.qtz” under /Developer/Examples/Quartz Composer/Compositions/Interactive. Again I need to remind you to…

  • aka.iPhone and Quartz Composer Experiments…..

    I assume you know what aka.iPhone is and what it does. If you don’t please see this article over at Create Digital Motion. I’ve got aka.iPhone 2.1 installed on my ipod touch and while I enjoyed playing around with the accompanying MAX/MSP patch — via the free runtime — I wanted to see if I…

  • Leopard: More cat fleas…..smelly cat

    Have a look at the picture above…..This is fresh from my Macbook this morning (when it woke up from sleep mode). Notice anything strange…..let me help you, have a look at the Aiport icon in the menu bar and the actual Airport device setting in Network preferences. Yep, Icon in menu bar says Airport is…

  • Stripes be gone…..

    If you like to get rid of the stripes in the list view of the new Leopard Finder, open a Terminal Window and type in the following two commands:defaults write FXListViewStripes -bool FALSEkillall FinderIf you want the fancy stripes back at some point later, type the following two commands in Terminal:defaults write FXListViewStripes…

  • Another day….another Leopard headache….

    Okay as much as I like OSX and apple I have to admit, Leopard is not quite ready for consumption. Not unless you’re willing to do a “Erase Install”. After the weekend fun session of “Archive installing” 5 machines, I have found another bug/feature/headache. Here is how it happens: You’ve got Tiger (10.4) setup with…